英国找工作的简历标准样本 - CURRICULUM VITAE (CV) - 英文frank1226(2009/4/18 21:29:33) 点击:
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212.* * * YOUR NAME…………
NAME : First name, middle name, surname
DATE OF BIRTH : dd/mm/yyyy
ADDRESS : Preferably present address, but prospective UK address is OK
TELEPHONE : Preferably home number
E-MAIL ADDRESS : This is where your web-based email address comes in handy
Mention the duration of each period of employment, followed by the position title and employer’s name. Then list a series of responsibilities, activities, skills and experiences. An
example for a software tester in a British bank follows.
April 1999 to Present
Senior Systems Tester for ………Employer name here………………
My position in the IT Department of the Treasury Division included the following:
- testing for Millennium compliance of the banks’ SWAP’s settlement, Futures risk management, Deal Ticket Generator, Internal realisation reporting, yield curve calculation,
customer marketing system, Issuing and Paying Agency, Forward Foreign Exchange, and
staff time recording systems
- obtaining the relevant information to draw up test plans and scripts (automated and
- communicating with the software developers and managing the error logging
- deputising for the Department’s Millennium test co-ordinator at development and
committee meetings
Repeat this format of date, position, tasks as many times as necessary to complete your work experience. Ideally your current or most recent position should hold the most content with each preceding position having less lines detailing what you did. Have your current or last position mentioned first and finish your work history with your first employment detailed last. Only have a notable achievement listed if it really does add value to your CV. Remember to highlight (bold) a key task or skill, but do so sparingly to avoid a clutter on the page. Read your finished CV a day after completing it and you’ll find errors or spot opportunities for additional improvements.
Specialised systems:
SQA Robot ver. 5.1 Essbase
Reuters 2000 Ledger Accounting Financial Information System
ICL Querymaster MS SQL ver. 6.5
Operating systems:
Novell NetWare ver 3.12, 3.11 & 2.15 Windows NT ver 3.51 & 4
MS-DOS ver 6.22 & 5.0 Windows ’95 & ver 3.11
Application packages:
Lotus 123 ver 4.0, 2.4, 2.3, 2.2 MS Word ver 7.0
WordPerfect ver 6.0 & 5.1 MS Excel ver 7.0 & 5.0
Novell Groupwise Lotus Notes
Other software:
MS Internet Explorer ver 2 & 3 Norton Commander ver 7
MS Mail CC Mail
List your software knowledge in some semblance of structure and put the most important category first. Do not attempt to quantify your proficiency in any package, as this will pigeonhole you into seeming to know only a few packages really well. This is also a subjective assessment and should be discussed at an interview. Grouping all your knowledge together like this also allows an employer to quantify the knowledge that they will gain by hiring you.
Year to year : Dates at Institution name e.g. 1990 – 1993 University of …Degree / diploma : Name
Year to year : Secondary education or high school years
Subjects : Brevity once again e.g. English; History; Geography; Mathematics
Be as brief as possible unless your field in any country has a heavy reliance on academic attainment.
This topic gives the prospective employer an indication of your energy levels and social skills. It always pays to be as honest as possible because you will only have a vague idea as to what an employer may be looking for. Sporting interests or activities always goes down well with British employers. There are no right or wrong details under this topic.