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㊣英语口语大全 - 日常口语篇 『 吃饭 』
uklife(2009/7/11 18:16:04)  点击:107025  回复:0  IP:212.* * *
  Dinner’s ready. 一天中最幸福的时刻到了!

  Set the table;Serve the dishes…相信再懒的人也愿意为美美地吃上一顿而多付出点劳动。


  我饿了。I’m hungry.

  ○ I’m starving. 我快饿死了。

  ○ I’m starved. 我饿死了。

  ○ My mouth is watering. 我都流口水了。

  ○ I’m quite thirsty. 我很渴。

  我们什么时候吃饭?When shall we eat?

○ When will supper be ready? 晚饭什么时候做好?

  ○ What’s to eat? 吃什么?

  请帮忙递一下胡椒。Please pass the pepper.

  ★ pass v. 传递


  来帮忙摆碗筷。Help me set the table.

○ Would you set the table? 你愿意摆一下碗筷吗?

  要是放点儿盐就更好吃了。 来帮忙摆碗筷。Help me set the table.

○ Would you set the table? 你愿意摆一下碗筷吗?


  It would be more delicious if you put some salt in it.

  ○ Everything is absolutely delicious. 每一样都很好吃。

  ★ delicious a. 美味的,好吃的


  该吃饭了。It’s time to eat.

= Time to eat. 该吃饭了。It’s time to eat.

= Time to eat.

  什么气味?What’s the smell?

  = What smells?

  ○ It smells good. 闻起来不错。

  叫大家来吃饭。Call everyone to the table.

  ○ Call the family to dinner. 叫全家人来吃饭。

  别说话,吃你的饭。Be quiet and eat your food.

  ○ Don’t talk with your mouth full. 不要满嘴东西时说话。

  把你盘子里的东西都吃完。Clean up your plate.

  ● clean up “收拾干净,清理,吃干净”

  再来一点吗?Would you like some more?

  = Some more?

  ○ No more. 不要了。

  很好吃!It's delicious!

  ○ It tastes great. 尝起来不错。

  ★ taste v. 品尝 n. 味道

  要想身体苗条,你就不能再吃了。To keep slim, you can’t eat any more.

  ★ slim a. 苗条的,纤细的

  ■“to keep slim”在本句中,是不定式作目的状语。

  FUN 轻松:看图

  “Actually, I only come here to lie down. I can't get any rest at home! ”


  Linda:Oh, Henry. I haven’t seen you in ages. Come in. Let me take your coat. How are you getting along??

  Henry:Very well, thank you.

  Linda:Please take a seat. Everything will be ready in a minute.

  Henry:Can you bring me a glass of orange juice, please? I am quite thirsty.

  Linda:Here you are. (at the table)

  Linda:Here you go. We have your cocktail and there’re salad, fried chicken, French fries? and vanilla ice cream for dessert. Eat the chicken while it’s hot. It tastes better.

  Henry:Wow! You’re right. Everything is absolutely delicious. Please pass the pepper.

  Linda:Here you are. Taste the French fries.

  Henry:They’re soft.

  Linda:Would you like some more?

  Henry:No more. Thank you.

  Linda:Here’s to our friendship and health!

  Henry:Bottoms up!















  单 词

  cocktail n. 鸡尾酒

  vanilla n. 香草

  dessert n. 甜点

  absolutely ad. 绝对地,肯定地,完全地

  health n. 健康

  bottom n. 底部



  “get along”是不及物动词短语,在此意为“生活,进展”。


  例如:We've always been getting along quite well.(我们一直处得很好。)

  They seem to get along with each other.[size=9pt]([size=9pt]他们好像处得不错。)

  “French fries”,也作“fries”,为美式英语,意思是“炸薯条”,


  另外,“炸薯片”在美式英语里为“potato chips”,在英式英语里为“crisps”。

  “here’s to sb./sth.”意思是“举杯祝福/愿…”。

  例如:Here’s to the happy couple.(举杯祝福这对幸福的夫妻。)

  FUN 轻松:贴士

  西方人的日常生活有一个很大的特点,就是“DIY”,意思是“Do It Yourself 自己动手”,小到修理水龙头,大到重新粉刷整栋房子,全部都愿意DIY。其实最主要的原因是修理费等人工费用高昂,若是DIY,则可以省下一大笔开支。


  buy red waxy potatoes 要挑选表皮呈红色、富光泽的那种马铃薯

  cut in chunks 切成大块

  drain water with a strainer 倒进过滤篮滴净水分

  boil until tender 放进滚水中煮到变软

  mayo 蛋黄酱(=mayonnaise)

  pepper 胡椒粉

  vinegar 醋

  parsley 荷兰芹

  chopped onion 葱沫

  cool 放凉

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