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pizza(2009/9/30 16:33:46)  点击:107390  回复:0  IP:212.* * *

  British people have always received success in a way quite unfamiliar to, for example, Americans and Chinese. To some extent, this is the tiff-upper-lip eld, untremblingly, by countless generations-concealing emotions in good times just as in bad。


  Such implacability may simply disguise shyness or arrogance. But, Iargue, in the case of the British, there has, for a long time, been something deeper than merely biding success. There has also been,perhaps, a shame in success itself。


  Neither British teachers nor students refer often to the top of the class If one mentions the academic success of a classmate, boy or girl, onedoes so with a sneer, perhaps calling such a student hwot insinuating that their success resulted only from effort, or worse,the sacrifice of social life. Successful students might also betermed teacher's pet? attributing success to the teacher's favour.Such accusations are usually, of course, unjustified. But life in British schools none the less creates ambivalences even for gifted children. Their culture and language discourages excellence. And itis rare to find a British student, of any ability, graduating from university without having enjoyed a sustained period of rebellion.For the majority of the time, perhaps, the scorn for success ismerely rhetoric. Still, it's rare to find anyone for whom them essage has never entered consciousness。


  In adulthood,like wise. Where as the American or Chinese will willingly discusstheir salary with a stranger, along with the exact monetary valueof possessions, few from Britain would mention such things outsideclose family. We British would like you to think that, in not mentioning such quantitative details openly, we are not even thinking about them。


  Don't believeus。


  All Britonsread the Times Rich List, the annual newspaper supplement containing the nation's hundred richest men and women. We look downon those we see reading it, even on the paper itself, for heapening themselves? Those listed inside the paper we label fat-cats. Thosewho choose to launt their successes are described as show-offs,big-heads, or too big for their boots. Many Chinese resent Zhang Yimou for portraying his country, internationally, in an unfavourable light. British people resent Rowan Atkinson (Mr. Bean)because he is internationally successful。


  There is the feeling that anyone blessed with success, wealth or fame should bemade to pay the price for it. They should be brought down a peg or brought back down to earth。


  As soon as aBrit becomes a tar at home or abroad, they become prey to the paparazzi. Invasive photography, telephone tapping, rummaging inrubbish bins--such techniques are condemned by most news paperreaders. But in buying such a paper, in choosing a specific issueto buy, every member of the reading public is involved in votingfor and hiring such agents。


  Part of thisis related to lass the idea that the esponsibilities of money should be granted only to those with generations of experience inowning and spending it. Part, too, may relate to boredom withseeing the same people, in politics, TV, business, even in thelocal community, enjoy success. Part of this, no doubt, isjealousy. We each revel in the assurance that no one will remain ina position higher than us for very long. It may also relate toChristianity, which preaches that it is harder for a rich man toenter the temple of heaven than for a camel to pass through the eyeof a needle. Post-colonial regret, or guilt may play its part in anation still coming to terms with having lost one quarter of theworld. But a big part of this, I suggest, is the healthy beliefthat beauty, talent and intelligence should be their own rewardthat doing a good job should be satisfaction in itself。


  Sport is thearena in which success is most obviously and instantly measurable.The British, it is said, all love the he unfancied, unqualified,lucky lutside bet It is the defeat of established teams or players,more than any display of skill, that motivates the impartial British sports viewer。


  In the case of Eddie the Eagle Edwards, failed British ski-jumper in the 1986 Winter Olympics,laughable amateurishness was celebrated nationally. Buttraditionally it is not the failure who most captures the British heart but the good sport the competitor willing to accept victoryor defeat with equal geniality. It is essential that the good sport appears to have a life outside the game that he refuses to take ittoo seriously。


  Times arechanging. American influence in Britain increases by the day.Professionalism and competitiveness have entered every aspect oflife. But still we have the character like Prince Hamlet, lacking iller instinct destroyed, by the imminent achievement of desires.In this peculiar failing, and in the bashfulness with which a British person receives praise, I invite you to witness our national ambivalence to success。


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