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【BBC地道英语】Wonky 不稳的,歪的
jessica19(2009/11/12 6:07:17)  点击:106616  回复:0  IP:212.* * *
Jean: Hi, you’re listening to Jean Dong and this is Authentic Real English.

William: Hi, I’m William Kremer. We’re going to be talking to you about the word wonky. W.O.N.K.Y.

Jean: Yes, just before today’s show William was telling me that his chair is wonky.

William: Yes, my chair is wonky.

Jean: William 坐的椅子整个倒了,现在他已经坐在地上了。

William: That’s right Jean; my chair has collapsed because it was wonky.

Jean: OK. 看来 wonky 这个词的意思就是 shaky 或者是 uneven. Shaky 摇摇晃晃的,uneven 歪的。

William: Yeah let’s listen to these people using the word wonky.


A: I like your new glasses but they don’t look straight.

B: Oh, that’s because my ears are wonky.

A: The wheel on my bike is wonky.

B: Oh… that explains why you looked so wobbly when you were cycling.

Jean: Ah so the first person said his ears were wonky. 那他的耳朵不会掉下来吗?

William: No, he used wonky to mean uneven.

Jean: 噢,谢天谢地。

William: And the second person said the wheel on his bike is wonky.

Jean: Yes, 他自行车的轮子是 wonky 的,就是说是没有安好,是歪的。

William: And his friend said he looked wobbly.

Jean: 就是说,如果他的自行车轮子是 wonky 的,那么他看上去也是 wobbly 也就不奇怪了。Wobbly 就是抖动的或者是摇摇摆摆的,平衡掌握得不好的样子。

William: Ok Jean, I think that we’re going to have to end the show here.

Jean: Yes, and you’d better go and find a new chair.

William: Yep and I’ll be sure to check that my new chair is not wonky.

Jean: Ok and I’ll remind everyone that they can visit our website www.bbcchina.com.cn for more Authentic Real English programmes.

William: Thanks for that Jean. Bye.

Jean: Bye.

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