2011年泰晤士 (TIMES) 英国大学排名表frank1226(2010/6/3 14:58:42) 点击:
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212.* * * 近日,TIMES公布2011年英国大学的最新排名,排名相较往年有些变化,部分之前名不见经传的大学跃进前十,尤其是兰卡斯特大学可谓是最大的黑马,由去年的第二十三名到今年的第十名,上升十三位。
另外,伦敦大学学院与伦敦政治经济学院再次换位,LSE 从去年的第七上升到第五名,UCL则下降到第七;杜伦大学上升两名,位居第六;而华威大学则下降两位,位列第八;令人欣喜的是约克大学再次进入前十的名列当中,回到第九名;爱丁堡大学也上升了三个名次,成为第十一名。
Rank Name
1 Oxford
2 Cambridge
3 Imperial College
4 St Andrews
6 Durham
8 Warwick
9 York
10 Lancaster
11 Edinburgh
12 Exeter
13 Bath
14 Bristol
15 Leicester
16 Loughborough
16 King's
18 Sheffield
19 Southampton
20 Nottingham
21 Sussex
22 Birmingham
23 East Anglia
23 Glasgow
25 Newcastle
26 Leeds
28 Liverpool
29 Aston
30 Manchester
31 Royal Holloway
32 Surrey
33 Aberdeen
34 Cardiff
35 Reading
36 Queen Mary
36 Strathclyde
38 The Queen's
39 Kent
40 Aberystwyth
41 Essex
42 Keele
43 Heriot-Watt
44 Dundee
45 Stirling
46 Robert Gordon
47 City
48 Hull
49 Swansea
50 Brunel
51 Oxford Brookes
52 Goldsmiths
53 Chichester
54 Bangor
55 Nottingham Trent
56 Ulster
57 Bradford
57 De Montfort
59 Bournemouth
59 Northumbria
61 Plymouth
62 Lincoln
63 Hertfordshire
64 Gloucestershire
65 Glasgow Cal
66 Edin Napier
67 Cardiff, UWIC
67 Queen Margaret
69 West of England
69 Central Lancs
71 Brighton
72 Sheffield Hallam
73 Huddersfield
74 Portsmouth
74 Winchester
76 Edge Hill
77 Staffordshire
78 Cumbria
79 Sunderland
80 Bath Spa
81 York St John
81 Birmingham City
83 Chester
84 Coventry
85 Trinity St David
86 Uni of the Arts
87 Roehampton
88 Salford
89 Northampton
90 Teesside
90 Worcester
92 Kingston
93 Glynd?r
94 Glamorgan
95 Manchester Met
96 Newport
97 Canterbury CC
98 Liverpool JM
99 Leeds Met
100 Westminster
101 Bedfordshire
102 Abertay Dundee
103 Greenwich
104 Middlesex
104 Derby
106 Thames Valley
107 Anglia Ruskin
108 Bolton
109 Creative Arts
110 Soton Solent
111 East London
112 Bucks New
113 London South Bank