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besky(2010/12/6 15:37:20)  点击:107062  回复:0  IP:113.* * *
     If you do someone a good turn today, don't expect a thank you。

  如果你今天帮了别人,别指望能听到一句"Thank you"!

  'Cheers', 'ta' or even 'wicked' is the more likely response, if a survey is to be believed。

  如果这项调查得到认可,那么事实上你得到的回答更可能是"Cheers","ta",甚至是"wicked" 。

  Research among computer users suggests that the traditional expression of gratitude has fallen by the wayside。


  Almost half of those polled said they now use 'cheers' more often than 'thank you'。

  投票者中将近一半的人表示,比起用"thank you",他们现在更常用"cheers"。

  Four out of ten said 'thank you' sounded too formal – so they used more catchy, chatty words such as 'fab', 'lovely' or 'wicked'。

  40%的人认为"thank you"听上去太过正式,所以他们选择使用像"fab"、"lovely"或者"wicked"这样更加随意上口的词汇。

  A third said they would often just resort to a quick wave instead of saying 'thank you'。

  三分之一的人更是表示,他们经常会用简单的挥手动作来代替说"thank you"。

  And 77 per cent said that any of the words used to say thanks were irrelevant, believing a pleasant gesture works just as well。


  The poll of 3,000 people was carried out by the online gift store Me to You。

  这项调查由网上礼品商店Me to You主办,共有3000人参加。

  Spokesman Caroline Weaver said: 'While the great British public might feel uncomfortable saying thank you these days, they do like to show their gratitude in other ways。

  活动发言人Caroline Weaver表示:“虽然如今广大的英国民众对说谢谢可能有些反感,但他们却愿意用其他方式来表达自己的感激之情。”

  'Respondents felt it didn't matter how you thanked someone for their kind actions, as long as you did so in a friendly and polite way。


  'At the end of the day everyone knows that a big smile and some form of acknowledgment is all it takes to show we are grateful.'



  1. do sb. a good turn 做一件有利于某人的事,帮某人忙

  例:He will do a good turn to anyone if he can. 只要可能,他愿意帮任何人。

  2. fall by the wayside 半途而废,中途退出

  例:The boys tried to make a 50-mile hike, but most of them fell by the wayside. 孩子们原想徒步行走50英里,但大多数都半途而废了。

  3. resort to 依靠,诉诸,求助于

  例:When his wife left him, he resorted to drink every day. 妻子离去后,他每天借酒消愁。

  4. at the end of the day 按字面意思理解就是“在一天结束之时”。

  例:At the end of the day, I just want to go home and have a good sleep. 忙碌了一整天之后,我只想回家好好睡一觉。

  at the end of the day 也可以相当于 at the end of (anything and everything),换成通俗的方法表达就是 in the end 或 after all is said and done,也就是中文里常用到的“说到底,说穿了”。

  例:Don't be too hard on yourself. At the end of the day, you are just human and you can't always be perfect. 别对自己太过苛求。说到底,你只是个普通人,不可能永远不犯错。


  There were a lot of students from different parts of England and I seem to remember almost all of them saying "cheers".。。


  I lived four years in London, studied at University there and heard "cheers" all over the place, whether on the street, in pubs or at university among students.。。


  I think "Cheers" meaning "Thanks" is slang or colloquial and I heard it hundreds of times when I lived in London. It was strange to me at first but I got used to it and when I used it myself I felt I gave a "less foreign" impression。


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