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[分享] 一段应聘Part Time工作的面试实录
wtw(2007/7/11 4:21:24)  点击:110020  回复:0  IP:61.* * *
对正在找part time工作的朋友有一定参考作用。总之不要紧张,轻松上阵。
Huijin has an interview for a job as a part-time worker in a branch of a coffee shop chain.

Huijin: Hello. I've got an appointment at 10 o'clock with the manager, Mr Smith
Receptionist: What is your name?
Huijin: Huijin Kim.
Receptionist: That's fine, thanks. I'll let him know you've arrived. Please take a seat and he'll be right with you.

Mr Smith: Hello. I'm the store manager, John Smith (offers hand)
Huijin: (stands up and shakes his hand firmly) I'm Huijin. Pleased to meet you.
Mr Smith: Would you like a drink?
Huijin: Thank you. Could I have a regular latte, please?
Mr Smith: Certainly (asks one of the members of staff to bring a drink for Huijin)
Please come over here and we will talk about your job application.
Please take a seat ...
Huijin: (Sits down) Thank you.
Mr Smith: It's Huijin Kim, isn't it?
Huijin: That's right.
Mr Smith: Where are you from?
Huijin: I'm from Korea.
Mr Smith: What are you doing in the UK?
Huijin: I'm studying at an English language school. I came here a couple of months ago.
Mr Smith: How long do you plan to stay in this country?
Huijin: My visa expires at the end of June, but I would like to extend it for at least another 6 months after that.
Mr Smith: What kind of visa do you have?
Huijin: I have a student visa, so I'm looking for a part-time job. I can work up to 20 hours per week.
Mr Smith: I see. We do have a part-time vacancy, but it is for 10 until 2 each day. Could you manage those hours?
Huijin: I can be flexible. The school has 3-hour lessons each day. At the moment I am studying in the mornings from 9 to 12, but I can change to the lessons from 3 to 6 if you offer me this job.
Mr Smith: That sounds fine. Why do you want to work for this company?
Huijin: Well, I think the shops sell good products and that the atmosphere is good. I sometimes come to them myself as a customer, and I have always received a good service. Also, my school classmate worked in one of your branches and recommended the company to me.
Mr Smith: Have you had any previous experience of working in a coffee shop?
Huijin: Yes, I worked part-time in a coffee shop while I was a university student in Japan. I was at Costa Coffee for about 9 months.
Mr Smith: Really? What sort of work were you doing there?
Huijin: My main job was to serve the customers, but I also helped to wash up, to clean the shop and to operate the till.
Mr Smith: Did you ever have to deal with customer problems?
Huijin: I'm sorry, would you mind explaining exactly what you mean by "customer problems"?
Mr Smith: Of course. Sometimes a customer is unhappy because something is wrong. Can you give me an example of how you managed a difficult situation?
Huijin: Yes, sometimes there were small problems. For example, one day a customer complained that his cup was dirty. He sounded upset. I apologised to him and offered to get him a replacement. The cup did look dirty, so later I had a quiet word with the person who had cleaned it.
Mr Smith: Do you think you provide a good service to customers?
Huijin: Yes - I always try to provide a friendly and efficient service to customers. For example, when customers wanted a product that was not available, I recommended another product instead. They usually accepted my suggestion and were glad that I helped them to choose something else.
Mr Smith: Do you think you are good at working as a member of a team?
Huijin: Yes - I like to work with other people. When I was at Costa Coffee we used to share the tasks - we would always help each other, and show new members of staff how to do things.
Mr Smith: How do you think the people that you worked with in the past would describe you?
Huijin: I think they would say that I worked hard, I was well-organised and that I was friendly to customers.
Mr Smith: What would they say your weaknesses are?
Huijin: Maybe I was a bit impatient sometimes when things weren't done properly. But I think it is important to have high standards.
Mr Smith: OK. Well, do you have any questions for me?
Huijin: Yes. If you offer me the job, when would you want me to start?
Mr Smith: We have a vacancy now, so as soon as possible. Would you be able to start next week?
Huijin: That would be fine. What would the pay be?
Mr Smith: 4 pounds 50 per hour
Huijin: Which days would I work?
Mr Smith: Normally from Monday to Friday. You can take two days holiday each month.
Huijin: How would you describe the working atmosphere in this store?
Mr Smith: Well, it is often busy but there is a friendly atmosphere, I think. We work hard, but like to have fun too.
Huijin: When will you be able to tell me if I have got the job?
Mr Smith: I can tell you now. If you want the job, you can start next Monday.
Huijin: Yes, I want the job, thank you. I look forward to working here.
Mr Smith: Good. Well, come here at 10 o'clock on Monday morning and we can sort out the other details then.
Huijin: Thank you. See you on Tuesday. Goodbye
Mr Smith: Goodbye, Huijin. I'm sure you will like working as part of our team
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