PR后在英国居住时限的规定wtw(2007/9/4 4:34:39) 点击:
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61.* * * Applicants must:
1. have lived legally in the United Kingdom for five years (the last year should have been free of any time limit);
be 18 or over;
2. not be of unsound mind;
3. be of good character;
4. have sufficient knowledge of English, Welsh or Scottish Gaelic (depending on their age and physical and mental condition); and
5. stay closely connected with the United Kingdom.
The wife or husband of a British citizen may apply for naturalisation after living in the United Kingdom legally for three years. The applicant's stay must not be subject to any time limit on the date of application; the applicant must be 18 or over and not of unsound mind, and must have sufficient knowledge of the language but does not need to intend to live in the United Kingdom once naturalised. He or she must be of good character, however.
To meet these residence requirements, you must not be absent from the United Kingdom for more than 450 days over the 5-year period, or for more than 270 days over the 3-year period. In each case, you must not be absent for more than 90 days in the last year of the period.
More detailed information about registration and naturalisation is available by contacting the Home Office at the address given below.