英国斯特林大学university of stirling入学要求更新tinyhut(2019/10/21 11:54:01) 点击:
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222.* * * 英国斯特灵大学本校入学要求已更新,请查阅:
-Standardization of multiple IELTS requirements to one level across all courses which will be: IELTS 6.0 overall with 5.5 in each part.基本的入学要求,所有的研究生专业均为雅思6.0(5.5);
-Increase of GPA from 65% for 211 / 985 universities to 70%, and increase from 70% to 75% for other universities. A flex of a 3% is included so we can take 3% lower.提升学术要求至211/985院校均分由65%涨到70%,双非院校由70%上涨到75%,分数在3%之内可以case by case 分析。
Other faculties at the university remain the same:
65% for 211 / 985 and 70% for all others, also with same 3% flex built in. Other faculties have a range of IELTS requirements differing by course so best place to check those at the moment is the website.