LV bag, LV1; 1 bag GUCCI, CHANEL wholesale
lv manufacturers. LV bag, LV wholesale, LV purse, LV purse, LV belt, LV key ring, GUCCI wholesale, GUCCI manufacturers, CUCCI bags, GUCCI purse, GUCCI belt, GUCCI wholesale, CHANEL bag, CHANEL manufacturers, CHANEL wholesale, CHANEL wallet, CHANEL belt, CHANEL handbag, DIOR bags, DIOR wholesale, DIOR manufacturers, DIOR purse, DIOR belt, FENDI bags, FENDI handbag, FENDI wholesale, CHLOE bag, CHLOE handbag, CHLOE wholesale
Hill & Knowlton Guangzhou leather goods (handbags) is a factory specializing in the production of high-end handbags, purses, wallets, belts, shoes, leather products, such as factories; Chinese leather factory is located in the capital Guangzhou Huadu Shiling Town in the industrial zone in the second; plant area More than 3000 square meters; have 350 employees; version of the room, a senior master 12; factory has many years of experience in high-end leather goods production, the factory is strong in technology, the quasi-period goods, excellent quality; best-selling products, mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, the United States , Canada, Britain, Japan and Australia more than 20 countries and regions; cover brand; LV, GUCCI, CHANEL, DIOR, PRADA, CHLOE, FENDI and other international top-selling brand line; and its imitation of 1:1, fine The work, the quality of services received by the customer favorite. Welcome customers at home and abroad letter calls advice, sample materials;
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[email protected] Contact: Mr. Hu Wei
Tel: 86-020-33138439
Phone: 13725491819
Fax: 86-020-33138439